For a list of some of the homepages of friends I know... click here
Well here are some of the places that I go to the most.... as you can see, most of them are online comics sites...
Okay, being the fanatic I am about Gackt, I have to put up some links to site dedicated to this JRock star which I think are pretty good. The reason I don't make my own shrine to Gackt is because some of these sites are so good, and since I get the information from them any, I don't think I should just duplicate stuff, I'll just give you the links.(one of the most original and better designed pages, I enjoy just looking at the different designs she come up with)
This site is the unofficial English fansite for Gackt, although the site itself need refining, the information and pictures there are fantastic (if you manage to navigate it properly.
Dears And ofcourse the Official Gackt site. All in Japanese, and like most official fansite, it has dry information and not much else.
Hyde... I can only sigh his name, is there ever a cuter, more edible guy out there? Where Gackt has the manliness Hyde has the cuteness, oh and the sexiness, and the... *sigh* let me quote Gackt in describing Hyde, "his smile is a sin" *sigh*...
Official website of Hyde, all in Japanese and there are some secret passages I'm pretty sure, but I'm not too clear on how to enter them (because I can't read all the Japanese)
some really nice pictures and has the lyrics
Why I like them? Well Hyde is the vocalist... Testu is also really cute...
L'arc~en~ciel - Fourth Avenue Cafe is nearly an official English site I would say, the information they have... and the site layout is good!
L'arc~en~ciel Official website there is an English and Japanese version, so for all those international fans out there, this is perfect.
anime info/download
(Aku Shop)
online manga
I admit that I'm a comics/manga fan. I'm so much of a fan that I even read ones that are published on the web. Not that I'm complaining or anything. Actually most of these are of a very high standard. I won't be satisfied with anything less.
(same author as exploitation now)
(started to wander)
(comic finished)
manga scans
japanese links
Jim Breen's WWWJDIC Japanese-English Dictionary
hong kong links
Hong Kong Commercial Radio 881903